My heart is still racing. Last night I experienced the real thing, paranormal activity in my own home. THIS IS A TRUE STORY. I have witnesses.
My husband and I sleep downstairs in our guest bedroom to be near to my almost two year old daughter who is in an adjacent bedroom. We also just had a baby boy, now three months old, that sleeps in a portable crib at the foot of our bed. Arlan, our son, still does not sleep through the night. I always keep my cell phone next to my bed to look at the time whenever he wakes. Last night, he started crying around 2:30am. I was so tired that I just brought him into bed with me and nursed him lying down. I must have dozed off.
Suddenly, I heard a loud scrapping, crashing sound. I immediately jumped out of bed and shook my husband. "Jason, JASON what was that? It sounded like someone banged against the window."
He was already awake. "No, No, the door just slammed shut."
I grabbed the phone on the bedstand. 3:00am it read, exactly.
"Seriously, it was the door?"
"Yes, go back to bed"
"But Jason, how did the door slam? There are no windows open. There is no reason. It happened at exactly 3:00am!"
"So, what does that mean. Who cares?"
"Isn't that the "witching hour", the time for demonic activity?"
"I don't know. GO BACK TO SLEEP!"
I know my husband was just too scared to admit it. He was, of course, only trying to be macho.
Our bedroom is lit by an eerie blue glow from the nightlight in the corner. I put on my glasses, hugged my son, and sat staring at the, now ominous, illuminated bedroom furniture and shadows. My eyes registered something strange at the foot of my bed. I reluctantly got up to look. A long piece of skinny wooden trim that must have been propped up behind our door lay across the crib. I couldn't figure out how it could have fallen and land in the angle it had to have fallen straight forward!
I righted the board and crawled back into bed. My daughter, Cadence, started babbling over the baby monitor. Oh yeah, creepy baby monitor stuff. I fell asleep reciting "Hail Mary's" and "Our Father's" only to find myself in a horrible dream, one of those dreams where you still think you are awake. I dreamt I was in my bedroom, same night, I knew Cadence was in trouble. I tried to run to her room, but couldn't, it was like I was moving through quick-sand. Once I got to her, she was standing in the crib talking to someone, but no one was there. All the lights were on, and scratch marks adorned her walls surrounding her crib. I grabbed her and rushed back into bed only to find Jason missing.
I woke from the nightmare sweating and shaking to find a black cloud, shadow in front of my face. It slowly moved across the room and disappeared. Totally frightened, I buried my face into my pillow only to find something hard underneath. Feeling around under the pillow, I touched skin and then it slipped away. I rolled over to see if it was Jason. He was fast asleep on the other side of the king and facing the other direction.
I again shook him awake. "Jason, please go check on Cadence. I'm too scared."
"Ugh, fine."
While he was gone, I heard Cadence babbling over the monitor again. When Jason came back he said she was fast asleep.
"Well I just heard her talking."
"No, she's out. Maybe she was talking in her sleep."
Needless to say, I didn't really sleep the rest of the night. AND I sure am glad Jason and I decided to watch the Disney movie "Tangled" instead of "Paranormal Activity 2" that night. I would have had a heart attack.