Friday, February 15, 2013

Celebrating My Little Girl's Life

Today I am the proud owner of a three year old… a beautiful, smart, sassafras little girl that’s taken center stage.  This little girl in her short life has already resided in two states, two houses and in two remodels.  She charms the pants off of everyone she meets and already uses phrases like “well actually”, “seriously”, and “be patient”.  It’s amazing watching this little person and her little soul grow and grow.  From holding her at 5 lbs, rocking in our Tucson bedroom staring outside at the Catalina Mountains to seeing her jump in the Wisconsin fall leaves…love.  Just all love.

I keep a diary to Cadence.  I write in it randomly to tell her about proud moments, first words, life thoughts.  It seems each birthday, I’ve picked this diary up and reread old passages and write a new one.  I decided to share the first one where it was no longer addressed to “dear baby but “dear Cadence”; written in the first weeks of her life.  Happy happy Birthday baby girl.

Feb. 22, 2010

Dear Sweet Cadence,

It’s you.  You’re here!  I love you.

3 weeks and 2 days early you were ready for this world.  Even though you are a little peanut—born at 5lbs 11oz and 18 ½ in., you are strong!!  It’s not even a week and you can lift your head up and keep it up.  Your Dad discovered that tonight as he walked around the house saying “Oh my gosh you are so cute” over and over, playing with you and cuddling you in his arms. 

Your birth was an adventure as will be the rest of your life.

My water broke at 3:30 am.  I woke your father up saying “oh my gosh! Jason! Jason! I think my water just broke!”  Just the day before, Feb. 14th Valentine’s Day, your Daddy and I celebrated our love by celebrating you.  We bought all the rest of the things we needed for you.  Put together your room, crib, dresser, etc. and last thing I did before I went to bed was pack a bag “just in case”.  Well when my water broke, your Dad and I started getting things ready, picking up, showering.  Then we took off to Tucson Medical Center where they admitted us and put me on Pitocin to speed my contractions up.  This all happened in a matter of 2 hours.  The medicine really made my contractions strong—I wanted to give birth naturally but I just couldn’t handle it.  I got an epidural and I’m glad I did for later reasons.  Well I dialated to 9.5 cm and 100% effaced in another couple hours.  Dr. Laird came in and said I was ready to push.  To spare you the gory details…the doctor said if I wouldn’t have had the epidural, I probably would have had to deliver you Cesarean. 

When you came out, your Daddy and I were overwhelmed with happiness.  You were sooo perfect.  Are still so perfect.  A GIRL!!!  I was so wrong…Gosh the whole medical staff loved you.  Your father started sending pics of you to the whole family. 

You and your father are the best things that ever happened to me…to each other.  I am so in love with you Cadence.  You are mystical and beautiful and wonderful and one big ball of love.  I’ve never seen your father happier in all my life.  Not ever.  He is in heaven.  I’m in heaven.  We’ll both love you forever and we’ll always be here for you.

I hear you crying downstairs right now.  Your Daddy is probably trying to play with you.

I love you,
