'Twas a stormy evening. The monsoon rain rattled the windows with such force that it sounded like millions of tiny fists pounding against the warmth of our Tucson home. The thunder shook the foundation and the lightening streaked silver along our living room floor. I went to bed with the monstrous sounds echoing inside my head. Curling up with my husband did not bring the usual calming effect. Dreams did not come easy. Instead I seemed to drift into a black, remote world of sleep. At exactly 1:00 am, I woke abruptly, sitting straight up in bed like some corpse coming to life in a horror flick. I rushed out the bedroom door, and was alarmed by what greeted me. I heard a strange noise. At first I thought it was my innocent little girl crying in the bedroom next door. I rushed by her side and realized she was fast asleep. As I tip-toed back out into the living room with trepidation, I realized the noise was coming from only a few feet away from where I was standing. "Jason! Jason!" I urgently whispered to my husband. No need, he was awake listening to the creepy, foreign sounds that filled the room as well. He dutifully searched our darkened living room for the culprit, tripping over our daughter's toys in the process. Soon we realized it was coming from right outside the window next to the pool. I ran to grab a flashlight. A vision of a baby bobcat being tortured by a ten foot rattle snake flew through my mind. Or maybe it was the ghost of a young child come to torment and possess my baby girl! I ran back into the living room grabbing the video camera on the way. By now, the storm had passed, leaving the air outside thick and heavy. Jason and I peered out the window and this is what we heard.
Note: These are true events not dramatized or manufactured for TV purposes in any way (but will eventually be a TV movie with Neil and Heather).
Jason and I must have stood by that window for at least fifteen minutes until we finally got a glimpse of the fiendish imp. It was grotesque, swollen and puffy around the jowls. Its greenish skin glistened in the moonlight. Bulging eyes stared at us. I could feel the evil in its gaze. It was terrifying. Jason soon realized the nature of the beast. It was a...
little itty bitty...