Wizened, war-beaten mothers of the world love to give advice to inexperienced, aspiring young mothers. I received this "welcomed" advice daily when I was pregnant the first time around with my daughter Cadence. This advice ranged from the best boob accessories to chants to say in my baby's room to ward off evil spirits (I'm not kidding). Well why oh why didn't anybody tell me about the toddler mullet? My poor baby girl no longer looks like a baby girl but more like a baby boy from the hills of the Ozarks or one of Gwen Stefani's kids. Thankfully the other kids at school don't know how to bully yet so she is safe from public scorn. Plus she is so darn cute that she can pull off any look at this age! So jealous. Another bonus--I'll have pictures to embarrass her later in life, hopefully during her wedding day slide show. Here is one of those classic pics.

Awe JUST KIDDING! That's not my daughter silly. I just wanted to share this picture because it really
is the epitome of baby mullets. I mean, this kid has some pretty rad parents. Heck, it's probably a picture of Zumba, Gwen's kid! My daughter isn't
that lucky in the hair department. The picture below is my adorable little girl.

See! She is beautiful no matter her hair style and will always be beautiful. I was too late to save her from her little blond mullet though. She's just going to have to endure a few more haircuts from Daddy*. I have recently come upon some tribal knowledge on how to avoid the toddler mullet stage of development! Why did I not receive this little golden nugget of advice earlier? Why wasn't it in
What to Expect When Your Expecting? I will share this little super duper secret with new moms out there in hopes they can save their little munchkins from Mulletville.
When your baby girl's hair really starts to come in, give'em a crew cut! Seriously! Shave those little perfect heads. Then the hair grows in at the same length! Shaving those innocent noggins seems just plain cruel, right? But the Underground Society of Meddling Mothers swears by it. They say, "Don't worry! Your daughter will be ready for those cheesy Christmas cards and Pantene Pro V commercials by her second birthday."
*Daddy is the better stylist. Mommy actually cut baby's hair to look more mullet-esque.
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